dr. Maarten Th. Frankenhuis

Dr. Maarten Th. Frankenhuis
Oosteinde 41
1151 BT Broek in Waterland
The Netherlands

Telefoon: 020–4033339
Mobiel: 06-41247420

Iets van uw gading?
Maarten Frankenhuis heeft jarenlange ervaring in het schrijven van teksten en toespraken, redigeren en corrigeren; in het bijzonder ten aanzien van de volgende producten: artikelen, (sollicitatie)brieven, notities en discussiestukken, brochures, interviews, museumgidsen en jaarverslagen, én vertaalwerk uit het Engels en Duits.

In mijn geval gaat het vooral om onderwerpen als dierenwelzijn, natuur en milieu en dierentuinen, diergeneeskunde en veehouderij – zowel de historische aspecten als hedendaagse ontwikkelingen. Maar ook domesticatie en voortplanting, en de bijzondere relatie mens-dier; meer specifiek: de biologische wortels van de man-vrouw relatie op de werkvloer, manager- en machogedrag, pubers en dwarsliggers en relschoppers.

For the English speaking visitors...

When you want a portrait of love but with a "chemical" touch, it may sound difficult, but Maarten Frankenhuis places the reference in context with knowledge and humor. He approaches this and other subjects from a rich background as a veterinarian, a scientist in poultry production and an investigator in reproduction.
Frankenhuis was the Director of Artis, Amsterdam's fabled zoo, a writer and a travel guide in Central and South America and Africa. In a career of varied experiences, he has focused on exotic animals which has included the human species. He has worked in the frontlines of biodiversity and intensive animal husbandry, covering the world of domestic and wild animals, nature and the environment, and he does so with knowledge, humor and clarity. Connected with these fields are his continuing involvement with the issues of ethics and aesthetics.
His work and experience has produced an exciting and informative speaker, whose work has shed light on human issues as diverse as macho behaviour, male/female roles in the workplace, sexual selection, reproduction and issues related to education.
The breadth of his knowledge and understanding leads to special insights on issues such as the end of male dominance, the roots of “baboon behaviour” in humans or how women fall for physical strength, bravery or social intelligence.
As always, Maarten Frankenhuis shares his knowledge in a most informative and entertaining manner.

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